Progress #3

Weekly progress reports seem a bit noisy, so I'm going to keep them private. Monthly writeups still seem useful, though, as a summary.

All told, I'm pretty happy with my bodyweight for the month. I thought I didn't make any progress, but the moving averages are looking better than I thought. I started the month with a 7 day average of 200.31lb and a month average of 201.84lb, and I've ended with 199.93 and 198.47lbs. So I'm down a little over 3lbs on the month trendline, even though I'm weighing in the same mid 190s that I did at the beginning of the month.

So, let's check a projection. In my original fitness plan post, I said that success on my goal would be 192-194 on December 1st. I did not succeed on my goal - I weighed in at 196.8lb, and the lowest weight I recorded was 194.8 on the 2nd and 3rd. Extrapolating on my original plan, I should have been at 185-187lb at this point, which I'm very clearly not.

What happened? Well, looking at the curve, there's a tiny spike in the beginning - a Dungeons and Dragons game. Then there's a big gain in the middle, which is the week I spent in LA not riding my bike and eating out too much. The next bit of weight gain is probably carb cycling from poor adherence to keto due to Christmas feasting.

The good news - the sun is staying out longer, and the holiday season is mostly over. I'll have an easier time adhering to my diet when the general feasting attitude is gone. I'll have an easier time riding my bike more with more daylight.

Speaking of cycling, let's look at that. I started the month at 87 fitness, and I'm at an 84 right now. But my form is 5 right now, while my form was -17 then. I think this means that I'm making steady progress and maintaining well. I've put about 322 miles down this month, and I intend to get another 42 in to complete 4,000 miles for the year. So this is going quite well I think!

Updating Goals

My month trendline at the beginning of November was 201.98lb. At the beginning of December, it was.. 201.84lbs. And now it is 198.47lbs. I should be able to lose weight more effectively now, so I think I can realistically expect it to be 194lb on February 1st. A stretch goal would be 190lbs - this would correspond to losing 2lb per week.

I'm on target for cycling with basically no structure, but on the new year, I'll have a new annual goal - 6,000 miles. 500 miles per month or 16 miles per day. Actually, after having watched my brother and girlfriend get angsty about their mileage goals, I'm going for an hourly goal. Assuming a 12mph pace, that's 500 hours of cycling. I I'll have to really be pushing myself to hit this, but if I can, then I think I'll be in great shape going into the Tour Divide.


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